
I hope you enjoy the redesigned webpage - this facelift is many months in the making to bring our digital presence into this decade. Our communications committee spent the better part of 2020 planning, designing, editing, incorporating ‘lightbulb!’ ideas, re-editing, and routing the domain…

All so that scotiatrinity.org is your one stop shop for all things relating to this wonderful community. With embedded video to our weekly worship livestream, updated imagery across all the pages, information for newcomers, and more detailed descriptions of Who We Are and What We Do we hope you’ll find everything you need to stay connected. The dropdown menus at the top of each page can be quickly accessed by hovering your mouse over the words in the banner.

If you have any questions about how to navigate click the Contact Us button in the upper right of any page. And of course we’d love to hear your feedback and ideas for further improvement in the same way.


Yearning for Spring . . . .


God hasn’t given up on us yet