Yearning for Spring . . . .

I am not usually one to “wish my life away” but I confess that I am very glad that it is almost February, because February is closer to March, which is closer to April, and even in upstate New York, April usually means the beginning of warmer weather, more opportunities to be outside, and – as COVID drags on, I yearn for the relative safety that outdoor gatherings afford!  

However, I am getting ahead of myself, and for now there is still, of course a few more weeks of winter (the Groundhog will let us know on the second exactly how many, I suppose!)—and, as you’ll see throughout the newsletter, Trinity has some ideas in the works to help us all get through those weeks.

Lent begins on February 17, with Ash Wednesday.  This will be livestreamed only; if you plan to participate, you can either pick up a small packet of ashes at the church, or, use a little dirt from your own backyard or potted plants as a symbol of  our connection to the earth.  

In pondering a Sermon series for Lent, Tim and I contemplated what biblical theme most approximates how we are all feeling in these days.  We said the word almost simultaneously:  “Exile.”  And so throughout Lent, we’ll be using texts from the section of Isaiah called “Deutero-Isaiah”, books 40-54, which derive from the time period when the Israelite people had been in exile in Babylon for a very long time, and there were glimmers of hope that the end was near—we have not yet chosen precise texts or thematic titles for each week—but tune in on Sundays Feb. 21, 28, March 7, 14, & 21 to see where God’s word takes us through that time.!  

The Advent Boxes were such a hit, Christian Ed has decided to provide Lenten Boxes in a similar vein:  they will have family devotionals, as well as one with more adult style readings, and supplies for traditional Lenten activities through the season.  Be watching for more information about this!

Also in this newsletter you’ll find the “Thank yous” for 2020 that I promised at the Annual Meeting, as well as a new Trinity Brochure/information sheet.  And information about our new web page!  Check them all out—and join in that which is meaningful for you!





